Prescription Required
This drug is used for the treatment of infection that occurs due to the flu virus. It can help in preventing and treating swine influenza A. It can reduce the flu symptoms within 24 hours.
Taken with the help of a doctor's recommendation before taking this medicine.
Dose adjustment is required to avoid impact on the kidney.
It does have unknown effect on the body.
It does have unknown effect on the body.
There is no any side effect till now.
There is no any side effect reported till now.
Oseltamivir blocks virus particles creation which helps immune system to fight against the infection. Thus, it helps to stop the spread of flu virus in the human body.
Flu refers to the respiratory illness occurs due to influenza viruses. It can affect individual nose, lungs and throat. It can also occur serious illness when ignored and may lead to death.
B.Pharma + MBA
Content Updated on
Saturday, 17 August, 2024Prescription Required
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