Deplife 5 Tablet

Introduction to Deplife 5 Tablet

Deplife 5 Tablet is a pharmaceutical compound containing Amlodipine, a member of the category of medicines known as calcium channel blockers. Its main task is to decrease blood pressure by easing blood vessels, lessening the burden on the heart. 

  • It is  also used for managing different forms of angina (chest pain) and situations arising from coronary artery disease, which includes the narrowing of blood vessels delivering blood to the heart.
  • It is ingested orally once per day to promote compliance, it's suggested to take it at the same hour every day. The initial dose usually starts low, and healthcare providers may progressively raise it based on individual reaction.
  • Infrequently, an allergic reaction may occur, showing as rashes, trouble in breathing, or inflammation of the face, lips, tongue, or throat. Immediate medical aid is necessary if these symptoms appear.
  • Care should be taken by those who have a record of congestive heart failure, liver disorder, or serious constriction of a heart valve.  
  • Persistent use of this medicine is advised even if blood pressure appears well regulated, since hypertension frequently shows no symptoms.

How Deplife 5 Tablet Works?

Deplife 5 Tablet operates as a robust calcium channel inhibitor, significantly minimizes elevated blood pressure by making blood vessels more relaxed, offering seamless blood circulation throughout the body. Deplife 5 Tablet contributes to the alleviation of pressure on the heart muscle while enhancing the provision of oxygen to the cardiac muscle. By endorsing better blood circulation and minimizing blood pressure, Amlodipine actively supports the entire cardiovascular system, safeguarding a superior blood flow to essential body organs.

How To Use Deplife 5 Tablet

  • Adhere to your physicians' instructions for this medication, consuming it in the stipulated dose and timeline.
  • This medication can be ingested with or without meals, but keeping a constant schedule every day is suggested for optimal outcomes.
  • Ingest the pill whole; refrain from munching, mashing, or fragmenting it

Special Precautions About Deplife 5 Tablet

  • It may be part of a comprehensive treatment plan involving diet, exercise, weight control, and regular blood tests.
  • Inform your doctor about any kidney or liver conditions before starting the medication.
  • Monitor for signs of low blood pressure, dizziness, or swelling, and report to your healthcare provider promptly.
  • Avoid grapefruit or grapefruit juice consumption during the treatment
  • If side effects are typically mild, long-standing or severe side effects must be communicated to a healthcare service provider.

Benefits Of Deplife 5 Tablet

  • It helps control high blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart problems and improving blood flow to relieve chest pain.

Side Effects Of Deplife 5 Tablet

  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Sleepiness
  • flushing
  • muscular stiffness
  • irregular cardiac rhythm
  • swelling of the limbs
  • vertigo

What If I Missed A Dose Of Deplife 5 Tablet

In case of forgetting a dose, it's suggested to take it as soon as it is recalled. However, if it's nearing the time for the subsequent scheduled dose, taking a double dose should be skipped. Signs of an overdose may encompass speedy heartbeats or faintness, necessitating immediate medical intervention.


Deplife 5 Tablet

Q. Is Deplife a beta-blocker?

No, Deplife is not a beta-blocker. It belongs to a class of medicines known as calcium channel blockers. It lowers blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels so that blood can easily flow through the blood vessels.

Deplife 5 Tablet

Q. Is Deplife bad for the kidneys?

No, there is no evidence that Deplife causes deterioration of kidney problems. Deplife can be used in normal doses in patients with kidney problems. In fact, its blood pressure-lowering effect, it helps to prevent injury to the kidneys due to hypertension.

Deplife 5 Tablet

Q. How long does it take for Deplife to work?

Deplife starts working on the day it is taken. However, it may take weeks to see the full effect. You should continue taking the medicine even if you feel better or if you do not notice any considerable difference. Consult your doctor if you have any concerns or you feel worse after taking the medicine.

Deplife 5 Tablet

Q. Does Deplife cause itching?

Deplife may cause itching in some patients, though it is an uncommon side effect. However, if you experience severe itching contact your doctor.

Deplife 5 Tablet

Q. Should I take Deplife in the morning or at night?

Deplife can be taken anytime of the day. Usually, it is advised to be taken in the morning, but your doctor may advise to take it in the evening as well. You should take it at the same time each day so that you remember to take it and consistent levels of medicine are maintained in the body.

Deplife 5 Tablet

Q. What should I avoid while taking Deplife?

Consult your doctor first before starting any new prescription or non-prescription medicines or supplements. Take low sodium and low-fat diet, and adhere to the lifestyle changes as advised by your doctor. Avoid eating grapefruit (chakotra) or drinking grapefruit juice while taking Deplife. Stop smoking and taking alcohol as this helps to lower your blood pressure and prevents heart problems.

Deplife 5 Tablet

Q. What are the serious side effects of Deplife?

Deplife may cause some serious side effects such as liver problems (yellowing of skin, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite), pancreatitis (severe stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting), and recurrent chest pain which may be indicative of a heart attack. However, these side effects are rarely seen. Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medicine to you because the benefit to you is greater than the risk of any potential side effects. Follow your doctors advice.

Deplife 5 Tablet

Q. For how long do I need to take Deplife?

You should keep on taking Deplife for as long as your doctor has recommended you to take it. You may need to take it lifelong. Do not stop taking it, even if you feel well or your blood pressure is well controlled. If you stop taking Deplife, your blood pressure may increase again and your condition may worsen.

Deplife 5 Tablet

Q. I have developed ankle edema and swelling over my feet after using a Deplife. What should I do?

Deplife can cause ankle or foot swelling. To reduce swelling raise your legs while you are sitting down. Talk to your doctor if it does not go away.

Similar Medicine Of Deplife 5 Tablet

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Safety Advice For Deplife 5 Tablet

check for risk indication explain below.

  • High risk
  • Moderate risk
  • Safe


Alcohol intake should be restricted, as it can amplify certain side effects.


Consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice and safety measures before use during pregnancy.

Breast feeding

Consult your healthcare provider before using this product while breastfeeding, to ensure safety.


It is safe when kidney functions are normal but if you have kidney issues, use this product with care and upon consultation with your doctor.


It is safe when liver functions are norma but if you have liver issues, use this product with care and upon consultation with your doctor.


Alcohol intake should be restricted, as it can amplify certain side effects.


Consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice and safety measures before use during pregnancy.

Breast feeding

Consult your healthcare provider before using this product while breastfeeding, to ensure safety.


It is safe when kidney functions are normal but if you have kidney issues, use this product with care and upon consultation with your doctor.


It is safe when liver functions are norma but if you have liver issues, use this product with care and upon consultation with your doctor.

Drug Interaction

  • Multi vitamin with multi minerals.


  • Alcohol
  • Grapefruit or Grapefruit juice

Disease Explanation

Blood press Hypertension, when it's too high, can lead to heart issues, strokes, and kidney problems. Readings like 140/90 mm of Hg indicate systolic (heart pumping) and diastolic (resting between beats) pressure. Ideally, it should be between 90/60 mm of Hg and 120/80 mm of Hg.

Update on: Saturday, 25 May, 2024

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Written By:

Rakshita Garg