Introduction to Dermotrex 2.5mg Tablet

This pharmaceutical preparation is effective in treating various types of cancer like breast, neck, head, blood, lungs, lymph, bone, and uterus cancer. It can be also used in treating severe and uncontrolled psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and Crohn's disease. 

How Dermotrex 2.5mg Tablet Works?

This drug prevents cell division by inhibiting the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase and exhibits anti-inflammatory action. Its active ingredient Methotrexate kills cancer cells and prevents DNA damage. It helps to control psoriasis by retarding the production of skin cells and suppressing inflammation. It treats rheumatoid arthritis by suppressing the immune system, preventing the immune system from attacking the body's cells. It reduces swelling and stiffness in the joints caused by inflammation in the condition of rheumatoid arthritis.

How To Use Dermotrex 2.5mg Tablet

  • It can be used alone or in combination with other drug but doctor's suggestion is necessary.
  • It should be taken as per the doctor's advise.
  • It may take some time to show effect but one should keep taking it regularly.

Special Precautions About Dermotrex 2.5mg Tablet

  • Do not stop taking the drug until your doctor tells you to do so.
  • Strictly avoid alcohol consumption while taking the drug as it may increase the risk of liver damage.
  • If side effects persist or does not seem to fade away; consult a doctor.
  • Disclose to your healthcare professional if you are running on any medication used to treat infections.
  • Discloe to your doctor if you are suffering from any sort of kidney, liver, or stomach-related disease.

Benefits Of Dermotrex 2.5mg Tablet

  • It is beneficial in treating a wide range of cancers.
  • It is beneficial in treating severe rheumatoid arthritis.
  • It is beneficial in treating severe psoriasis.
  • It helps to relieve the symptoms of crohn's disease and prevent them from reappearing.

Side Effects Of Dermotrex 2.5mg Tablet

  • Ulcerative stomatitis
  • Decreased blood cells
  • Nausea
  • Hair loss
  • Abdominal pain
  • Increased liver enzymes

What If I Missed A Dose Of Dermotrex 2.5mg Tablet

  • Use the medicine as you remember to take.
  • If the next dose is near then Skip the missed Dose.
  • Do not double up for the missed Dose.
  • If you miss a dose frequently then consult your Doctor.


Dermotrex 2.5mg Tablet

Q. Can Dermotrex cause mouth ulcers?

Yes, Dermotrex can cause a sore mouth and mouth ulcers as side effects in some cases. Taking folic acid along with this medicine may help in reducing the ulcers. Ask your doctor if the dose can be reduced as dose reduction may further help in reducing the ulcers.

Dermotrex 2.5mg Tablet

Q. Can Dermotrex use make me more prone to infections?

Dermotrex may decrease the activity of your immune system. As a result, you may develop serious infections. There have been rare reports which suggest occurrence of serious lung infections with Dermotrex use. If you have an active infection, Dermotrex should be used with extreme caution.

Dermotrex 2.5mg Tablet

Q. What to do if I am planning to become pregnant and my husband is taking Dermotrex?

You should avoid pregnancy if your husband is taking Dermotrex. Also, it is advised that pregnancy should be further avoided for a minimum of 3 months after the therapy as it can lead to serious fetal abnormalities.

Dermotrex 2.5mg Tablet

Q. Why do I have to take folic acid with Dermotrex?

Folic acid is required to make new cells in the body and Dermotrex decreases the folic acid levels in the body. Folic acid can help reduce some of the common side effects of Dermotrex such as mouth ulcers, hair loss, nausea, heartburn, abdominal pain, fatigue, anemia and liver problems.

Dermotrex 2.5mg Tablet

Q. Why do I need to take regular blood tests while taking Dermotrex?

Regular blood tests will help your doctor to check your response to Dermotrex and monitor you for side effects. You will need to regularly check your liver function and your blood counts (white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets). Your doctor may also order additional tests depending on the results.

Dermotrex 2.5mg Tablet

Q. Can Dermotrex affect fertility?

Yes, Dermotrex may affect fertility in both males and females. It may cause a decrease in sperm count in males and menstrual disturbances in females. No need to worry, these effects are reversible and disappear once the therapy is discontinued.

Similar Medicine Of Dermotrex 2.5mg Tablet

For information purposes only. Consult a doctor before taking any medicines.

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Safety Advice For Dermotrex 2.5mg Tablet

check for risk indication explain below.

  • High risk
  • Moderate risk
  • Safe


It should be taken cautiously in patients suffering from liver disease.


It should be taken cautiously in patients suffering from kidney disease; dose adjustment may required.


Avoid alcohol consumption should be strictly avoided while taking the medicine.


The medicine may impair driving by inducing side effects like blured vision, dizziness, and sleepiness.


It is considered to be unsafe to use during pregnancy; doctor's consultation is required.

Breast feeding

It is considered to be unsafe to use while breastfeeding it may pass through breast milk and can affect developing baby.


It should be taken cautiously in patients suffering from liver disease.


It should be taken cautiously in patients suffering from kidney disease; dose adjustment may required.


Avoid alcohol consumption should be strictly avoided while taking the medicine.


The medicine may impair driving by inducing side effects like blured vision, dizziness, and sleepiness.


It is considered to be unsafe to use during pregnancy; doctor's consultation is required.

Breast feeding

It is considered to be unsafe to use while breastfeeding it may pass through breast milk and can affect developing baby.

Health And Lifestyle

Consume a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and avoid excessive fluid intake before bedtime. Reduce caffeine and alcohol consumption.

Drug Interaction

  • NSAIDs (e.g., Ibuprofen)
  • Antibiotic- Sulfamethoxazole


  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine

Disease Explanation

Cancer is a severe medical condition in which uncontrollable cell division start. This abnormal growth may invade and destroy healthy tissues; infection may spread throughout the body. This disrupt normal body functions and lead to severe health issues.

Update on: Monday, 22 July, 2024

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Written By:

Rakshita Garg

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