Grabeta 50mg Tablet XL

Introduction to Grabeta 50mg Tablet XL

Grabeta 50mg Tablet XL is a potent prescription for managing high blood pressure in individuals.

  • It functions by inhibiting specific hormones, like adrenaline, which impact the heart and blood vessels. 
  • This action lowers the heart rate and decreases the force of blood pumped by the heart, leading to reduced blood pressure and easing the workload on the heart.
  • It is widely used for heart conditions, improving blood flow and pressure, regulating irregular heartbeats, and reducing symptoms of excess thyroxine.
  •  It's also employed in migraine treatment, aiding heart function and managing heart attack risks.

How Grabeta 50mg Tablet XL Works?

It is a type of medication known as beta-blockers. Metoprolol Succinate is a beta blocker that relaxes blood vessels, slows heart rate, and helps it to pump more efficiently, resulting in decreased blood pressure and improvement of blood flow.

How To Use Grabeta 50mg Tablet XL

  • Follow your doctor's guidance.
  • Take with or without food, but maintain a consistent time.
  • Optimal effectiveness is achieved when avoiding high fat meals like olive oil, nuts, dark chocolate, butter, and meat while using this medication.
  • Adhere to the prescribed dosage and duration for the best outcomes.

Special Precautions About Grabeta 50mg Tablet XL

  • Prioritize regular blood pressure monitoring.
  • Caution in patients with heart failure; assess cardiac function.
  • Gradual dosage adjustments for hepatic impairment.
  • Risk of bradycardia; monitor heart rate.
  • Avoid abrupt cessation; taper under medical supervision.

Benefits Of Grabeta 50mg Tablet XL

  • Effectively manages blood pressure, aiding in hypertension control.
  • It regulates heart rate, promoting a stable and controlled cardiovascular rhythm.
  • Help prevent heart attacks in individuals with certain cardiovascular conditions.
  • Provides relief from angina symptoms, improving overall heart health

Side Effects Of Grabeta 50mg Tablet XL

  • Rash
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Breathlessness
  • Dizziness

What If I Missed A Dose Of Grabeta 50mg Tablet XL

  • If you forget a dose of the drug, take it as soon as you can. 
  • But if your next dose is near, skip the missed one and resume your usual schedule. Avoid taking two doses together. 
  • Doubling up can lead to unwanted effects. 
  • For guidance on missed doses, consult your doctor.


Grabeta 50mg Tablet XL

Q. Is taking Grabeta dangerous?

Grabeta is usually safe when taken as per the doctor’s prescription. This medicine exhibits dangerous effects if the medicine is stopped suddenly. Stopping the medicine suddenly can cause an abrupt increase in the heart rate and affect its activity, which can be dangerous for heart failure patients and can even lead to a heart attack in some patients. So, do not stop the medicine suddenly and take it for the prescribed duration.

Grabeta 50mg Tablet XL

Q. Does Grabeta help you sleep better?

Grabeta belongs to the beta blockers class of medicine. Though their effect on sleep varies from person to person, it has been found that these medicines are known to alter the sleep pattern and disturb sleep in few patients. On the other hand, it has also been seen to promote better sleep in patients with increased heart rate and anxiety by calming down the heart and nerves. Do consult your doctor in case you have any sleep disturbances.

Grabeta 50mg Tablet XL

Q. What should I do if I forget to take Grabeta?

If you forget to take a dose of Grabeta, then take it as soon as you remember it. However, if the time of your next dose is nearby, then skip the missed dose to avoid taking a double dose.

Grabeta 50mg Tablet XL

Q. Can I take alcohol after taking Grabeta?

No, you should not consume alcohol after taking Grabeta. Alcohol may increase the blood pressure-lowering effects of this medicine and lead to low blood pressure.

Grabeta 50mg Tablet XL

Q. How long does Grabeta take to work?

The time taken by Grabeta to start working varies from person to person. Usually Grabeta starts working within 15 minutes. However, in some patients it may take up to 2 hours to start working. It starts acting slowly and the maximum or full effect is usually experienced within a span of 1 week. In case you do not feel any difference while taking Grabeta, do not panic. The medicine exerts its beneficial effects when taken for a long time.

Similar Medicine Of Grabeta 50mg Tablet XL

For information purposes only. Consult a doctor before taking any medicines.

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Safety Advice For Grabeta 50mg Tablet XL

check for risk indication explain below.

  • High risk
  • Moderate risk
  • Safe


Excessive alcohol consumption can affect blood pressure and may interact with the medication. One must avoid alcohol consumption.


Benefits and risks should be assessed by a healthcare professional before using it during pregnancy.

Breast feeding

It can pass into breast milk, but the benefits and risks should be assessed by a healthcare professional before using it during breastfeeding.


It's generally considered safe for the kidneys when used at prescribed doses. Regular monitoring may be necessary for individuals with certain kidney conditions.


It's generally considered safe for the liver when used at prescribed doses. However, caution must be taken while using it.


Avoid it as it may affect your alertness till you know how it affects you.


Excessive alcohol consumption can affect blood pressure and may interact with the medication. One must avoid alcohol consumption.


Benefits and risks should be assessed by a healthcare professional before using it during pregnancy.

Breast feeding

It can pass into breast milk, but the benefits and risks should be assessed by a healthcare professional before using it during breastfeeding.


It's generally considered safe for the kidneys when used at prescribed doses. Regular monitoring may be necessary for individuals with certain kidney conditions.


It's generally considered safe for the liver when used at prescribed doses. However, caution must be taken while using it.


Avoid it as it may affect your alertness till you know how it affects you.

Health And Lifestyle

Follow a healthy diet low in fat and salt. Avoid intake of alcohol and smoking. Exercise regularly and maintain healthy weight.

Drug Interaction

  • Calcium Channel Blockers- Verapamil
  • Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors


  • Alcohol
  • High-Fat Meals

Disease Explanation

High Blood Pressure also known as hypertension in which blood pressure becomes high when the force of blood pushing against your artery walls is consistently too high. Over time this can damage your arteries and can lead to serious complications like heart attack and stroke.

Update on: Friday, 19 July, 2024

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Written By:

Rakshita Garg

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