Denzole 0.5mg Tablet

Introduction to Denzole 0.5mg Tablet

Denzole 0.5mg Tablet impacts on neurological disorders, notably in the administration of schizophrenia and depressive phases.

In disorders such as schizophrenia, Flupenthixol operates by stabilizing the function of dopamine, an element often disrupted in this disorder. It targets particular brain receptors, especially dopamine receptors, which aids in decreasing symptoms such as hallucinations and a loss of enthusiasm. Furthermore, when handling depressive phases, Flupenthixol likely influences various mood adjusting receptors

Adhere to the physician's prescription for the medication, ingesting it either with or without food. It's recommended to keep a regular daily routine for optimal effectiveness. Ingest the tablet as a whole without pulverizing or splitting it.

Potential side effects may include weight increase, shaking, akathisia (restlessness), nausea, exhaustion, insomnia (trouble sleeping), depression, rapid heart rate, decreased sex drive, faintness, headache, and loss of accommodation.

Its usage is linked with possibly severe conditions like Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS), characterized by increased temperature, muscle stiffness, altered mental condition, and autonomic dysfunction. Additionally, it may cause extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) such as uneasiness, tremors, and involuntary movements.

If a dose is forgotten, consume it as soon as remembered. However, if the upcoming dose is approaching soon, bypass the forgotten dose and proceed with the regular routine. Refrain from doubling doses and seek the physician for direction on managing overlooked doses effectively.

How Denzole 0.5mg Tablet Works?

Denzole 0.5mg Tablet operates in the cerebral region to aid in psychiatric disorders. In the case of schizophrenia, it assists in equilibrating the performance of a compound named dopamine, which is typically uneven in this illness. The primary variant of flupentixol combats specific receptors within the cerebral zone, diminishing symptoms like delusions and apathy. Originally, it was hypothesized to predominantly impact one kind of dopamine receptor (D2), but contemporary discoveries imply it intertwines with several others too. Regarding its antidepressant implications, flupentixol probably functions through affecting various receptors associated with emotional adjustment.

How To Use Denzole 0.5mg Tablet

  • Adhere to your physician's instructions for this medication, consuming it in the recommended dosage and timeframe.
  • This pharmaceutical can be consumed with or without meals, but keeping a regular schedule everyday is suggested for optimum outcomes .
  • Ingest the tablet completely; refrain from chewing, pulverizing, or splitting it.

Special Precautions About Denzole 0.5mg Tablet

  • NMS is a potentially lifethreatening condition associated with the use of antipsychotic medications, including flupenthixol Symptoms of NMS include hyperthermia (high fever), muscle rigidity, altered mental status, and autonomic dysfunction. If these symptoms occur, immediate medical attention is required.
  • Flupenthixol may cause extrapyramidal symptoms, including akathisia (restlessness), parkinsonism (tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity), and tardive dyskinesia (involuntary movements). These symptoms may be more common at higher doses, and dosage adjustments or additional medications may be necessary to manage EPS.

Benefits Of Denzole 0.5mg Tablet

  • Antipsychotic medication.
  • Manages symptoms of schizophrenia.
  • Alleviates delusions and hallucinations.
  • Stabilizes mood and reduces agitation

Side Effects Of Denzole 0.5mg Tablet

  • Weight gain
  • Tremors
  • Akathisia (inability to stay still)
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia (difficulty in sleeping)
  • Depression
  • Tachycardia
  • Decreased libido
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Loss of accommodation

What If I Missed A Dose Of Denzole 0.5mg Tablet

If you miss a dose, take it when you remember. If your next dose is close, skip the missed one and stay on your regular schedule. Avoid taking two doses at once. Consult your doctor for guidance on managing missed doses effectively.


Denzole 0.5mg Tablet

Q. What is Denzole deconate?

Denzole belongs to a class of medication called as typical antipsychotic. It acts by increasing the amounts of chemical (serotonin), in the brain. Denzole decanoate is a long-acting preparation of Denzole for injection into the muscles, which may be given at a frequency ranging from once in a week to once in 4 weeks

Denzole 0.5mg Tablet

Q. Why is Denzole banned?

Denzole in combination with melitracen is banned in india due to safety concern

Denzole 0.5mg Tablet

Q. What is Denzole used for?

Denzole is used in the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychoses which are disorders where individuals are unable to distinguish between what is real and unreal, think clearly, manage emotions, relate to others, and function normally

Denzole 0.5mg Tablet

Q. How does Denzole work?

Denzole belongs to a class of medication called as typical antipsychotic. It acts by normalizing the levels of certain chemicals in the brain in specific brain pathways that are responsible for causing symptoms of the disease.

Similar Medicine Of Denzole 0.5mg Tablet

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Safety Advice For Denzole 0.5mg Tablet

check for risk indication explain below.

  • High risk
  • Moderate risk
  • Safe


Use alcohol sparingly, if at all, when taking this medicine as it could increase drowsiness. Consult with a healthcare provider for advice.


Medicine should be used with care during pregnancy. A healthcare professional should be consulted for individual risk assessment.

Breast feeding

During breastfeeding, caution is suggested; discuss with a healthcare provider to understand potential dangers and advantages.


Minimal kidney effects are indicated in the limited data available. Seek personalized guidance from a healthcare professional.


This medicine may have an impact on liver enzymes. Continuous assessment is necessary to identify any irregularities.


Use alcohol sparingly, if at all, when taking this medicine as it could increase drowsiness. Consult with a healthcare provider for advice.


Medicine should be used with care during pregnancy. A healthcare professional should be consulted for individual risk assessment.

Breast feeding

During breastfeeding, caution is suggested; discuss with a healthcare provider to understand potential dangers and advantages.


Minimal kidney effects are indicated in the limited data available. Seek personalized guidance from a healthcare professional.


This medicine may have an impact on liver enzymes. Continuous assessment is necessary to identify any irregularities.

Disease Explanation

No disease explanation

Update on: Sunday, 21 January, 2024

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Written By:

Salman Khan