Introduction to Laxopeg Junior Solution

It is a drug that is frequently prescribed to alleviate constipation. It has lactulose, an osmotic laxative kind that aids in promoting bowel movements and softening stools.


How Laxopeg Junior Solution Works?

A stool that is softer and easier to pass is produced by lactulose by adding more water to it. It additionally facilitates an increase in the daily frequency of bowel motions. Stools become softer as a result of the breakdown of cellulose in the colon into compounds that draw water from the body into the colon.

How To Use Laxopeg Junior Solution

  • Follow your doctor's instructions precisely when using this drug.
  • To assist soften the stools when taking this medication, drink a lot of water.

Special Precautions About Laxopeg Junior Solution

  • If you have diabetes, let your doctor know because lactulose contains sugars.
  • If you have previously experienced electrolyte abnormalities, use with caution.
  • Laxatives should only be used as prescribed by your healthcare professional as prolonged use can result in dependency.
  • If you have severe or ongoing stomach pain, see your doctor right away as this could indicate a more serious illness.

Benefits Of Laxopeg Junior Solution

  • Relieving constipation effectively.
  • Aids in avoiding the consequences of persistent constipation.
  • Encourages consistent bowel motions.
  • Makes stools softer to travel through.

Side Effects Of Laxopeg Junior Solution

  • Bloating
  • Stomach pain
  • Diarrhea (with high doses)
  • Gas
  • Electrolyte imbalance

What If I Missed A Dose Of Laxopeg Junior Solution

Take the missed dose as soon as possible. If your next dose is almost here, omit the missing one and carry on according to your usual plan.


Laxopeg Junior Solution

Q. How long does it take for Laxopeg to work?

It takes about 2-3 days to see the benefits of the treatment. Talk to your doctor if you feel constipated even after 3 days of taking Laxopeg.

Laxopeg Junior Solution

Q. How should Laxopeg be taken?

You should take the prescribed amount in the measuring cup or spoon that is provided with the medicine. You can take it with water or fruit juice if you find it very sweet. Drink plenty of water for better results. Swallow it as soon as you keep it in mouth to prevent tooth decay which can occur if you take it for a longer time.

Laxopeg Junior Solution

Q. Can I take other laxatives along with Laxopeg?

Usually, one laxative is sufficient to relieve constipation. In case you need more, your doctor may advise you to take one more laxative along with Laxopeg. The risk of side effects is more with two laxatives.

Laxopeg Junior Solution

Q. Who should not be given Laxopeg?

Laxopeg should not be given to patients who are allergic to it or are intolerant to lactose (cannot process lactose). It should also be avoided in patients having galactosemia, a rare health problem where the body cannot process galactose.

Laxopeg Junior Solution

Q. What if I take more than the recommended dose of Laxopeg?

Taking more than the recommended dose of Laxopeg may cause abdominal pain, electrolyte imbalance and diarrhea, which may last for a couple of days.

Laxopeg Junior Solution

Q. What are the side effects of taking Laxopeg?

Laxopeg very commonly causes diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Diarrhea and abdominal pain occur due to a high dose. In such cases, the dose should be reduced. Flatulence may occur during the first few days of treatment and may disappear after sometime. This medicine may also cause electrolyte imbalance. However, this is an uncommon side effect.

Laxopeg Junior Solution

Q. Is Laxopeg a laxative?

Yes, Laxopeg is a laxative which softens the stools by pulling in water from the body to the large intestine. It is also used to reduce the amount of ammonia in the blood of patients with liver disease.

Laxopeg Junior Solution

Q. Is it okay to take Laxopeg every day?

You should take Laxopeg for as long as advised by your doctor. You may also take it for as long as constipation lasts, which may be up to a week. For hepatic encephalopathy, the treatment may be longer, even several months.

Laxopeg Junior Solution

Q. What is Laxopeg used for?

Laxopeg is used to treat constipation which is presented as infrequent bowel movements, hard and dry stools. It is also used in patients with hepatic encephalopathy which is a serious liver problem causing confusion, tremors and decreased level of consciousness.

Similar Medicine Of Laxopeg Junior Solution

For information purposes only. Consult a doctor before taking any medicines.

Lactulax 3.35gm/5ml Syrup

Samarth Life Sciences Pvt Ltd

Laxium Liquid

Strassenburg Pharmaceuticals.Ltd

Purolac Syrup

Navil Laboratories Pvt Ltd

Asulose 3.35gm Syrup

Astam Health Care Pvt Ltd

Laxopeg Syrup

Fourrts India Laboratories Pvt Ltd

Normalac Syrup

Mankind Pharma Ltd

Safety Advice For Laxopeg Junior Solution

check for risk indication explain below.

  • High risk
  • Moderate risk
  • Safe


Unknown, consult with doctor before use.


Unknown, consult with doctor before use.


Unknown, consult with doctor before use.


Unknown, consult with doctor before use.


Unknown, consult with doctor before use.

Breast feeding

Unknown, consult with doctor before use.


Unknown, consult with doctor before use.


Unknown, consult with doctor before use.


Unknown, consult with doctor before use.


Unknown, consult with doctor before use.


Unknown, consult with doctor before use.

Breast feeding

Unknown, consult with doctor before use.

Health And Lifestyle

To encourage regular bowel movements, keep a high-fiber diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Water is your best beverage throughout the day. To promote digestive function, engage in regular exercise.

Drug Interaction

  • Antibiotics
  • Other laxatives


  • N/A

Disease Explanation

Constipation is a condition characterized by infrequent bowel movements, typically fewer than three per week, difficulty passing stool, or a feeling of incomplete evacuation. It often results in hard, dry stools and can be accompanied by discomfort or bloating. Factors contributing to constipation include a low-fiber diet, inadequate fluid intake, lack of physical activity, certain medications, and underlying health conditions.

Update on: Wednesday, 10 July, 2024

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Written By:

Pranav ayush

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